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Prepare for AI products at CES.

January 1, 2024


The biggest event for electronics, CES will happen in Las Vegas on January 9. It's going to include a lot of technology using AI that can create things by itself. This means chips for local AI services that improve computer vision, voice-to-text and creative computing. This makes these jobs feel quicker and more active.

Even though AI is big at CES, it might make you feel like there's too much of everything. Gary Shapiro thinks that one day AI will just become normal because we see and use it all the time.

Other things that matter at CES include paying less attention to cars, except for Honda's plan to show off new electric vehicles. At CES, health tech will get more focus and for the first time, beauty tech will come to life. The French company L'Oréal which makes personal care products is going to give a big speech at this event. People are starting to show new interest in technology for long-lasting reality, as businesses get ready or have a contest with Apple's Vision Pro headset.

At CES, it's expected to be busy and loud. This is because businesses want people to notice them and spend money on their gadget news. Even small changes, like putting a chip in to make the device talk more and act human-like are important because it's competitive.

In general, CES looks to be a display of new technology. It will mainly focus on artificial intelligence that creates things without being asked. AI might take over our lives, but it's probably going to become part of how we live soon. In addition, health and beauty tech will be highlighted along with progress in extended reality. In the busy world of CES, companies will try hard to get people's attention and make money with their new announcements.

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