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Steam to Require AI Disclosures on Game Submissions: A New Era of Transparency and Accountability

January 11, 2024
Credit: Steam


The gaming industry has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, and one of the most groundbreaking technologies driving this progress is artificial intelligence (AI). AI has the potential to revolutionize game development, enabling developers to create immersive and dynamic experiences for players. However, with great power comes great responsibility. To address the ethical and legal implications of AI-generated content, Valve, the company behind the popular gaming platform Steam, has announced new guidelines that require developers to disclose their use of AI in game submissions. In this article, we will delve into the details of Valve's initiative and its implications for the gaming industry.

The Importance of AI Disclosures

Valve's decision to introduce AI disclosures stems from the need to address the legally murky space surrounding AI technology in game development. By adding a new AI disclosure section to the form that developers fill out when submitting games to Steam, Valve aims to promote transparency and ensure that AI-generated content complies with copyright laws and ethical standards.

The new guidelines distinguish between two categories of AI usage: pre-generated and live-generated content. Pre-generated content refers to any content, such as art, code, or sound, created with the assistance of AI tools during the development phase. On the other hand, live-generated content encompasses content that is generated by AI while the game is running.

Pre-Generated Content: Ensuring Compliance and Consistency

For pre-generated content, developers are required to make promises to Valve regarding the absence of illegal or infringing content in their games. This commitment ensures that the game remains consistent with the developers' marketing materials, preventing misleading representations. Valve will evaluate the output of AI-generated content in pre-release reviews, applying the same rigorous standards as with non-AI content. This evaluation includes verifying that the game fulfills the promises made by developers regarding the absence of illegal or infringing content.

Live-Generated Content: Guardrails and Accountability

The guidelines for live-generated content go a step further in ensuring compliance and accountability. In addition to the promises made for pre-generated content, developers must detail the guardrails they have implemented to prevent the AI from generating illegal content during gameplay. This requirement is crucial to protect against copyright infringement, offensive or inappropriate content, and other potential legal issues that could arise from AI-generated content.

Promoting Informed Purchasing Decisions

Valve acknowledges the significance of transparency in the gaming community. To empower players to make informed purchasing decisions, the AI disclosures provided by developers will be listed on the game's Steam page. This allows players to understand how AI is utilized in the game and ensures that they are aware of any potential concerns related to AI-generated content.

Reporting System for Illegal Content

To further enhance user experience and maintain a safe gaming environment, Valve will implement a reporting system on Steam. Players will have the ability to flag any content they believe violates Valve's policies, including content generated by AI. This reporting system, accessible through an in-game overlay, enables players to actively participate in upholding ethical standards and contributes to fostering a responsible gaming community.

Valve's Commitment to Thorough Evaluation

Valve recognizes the complexity surrounding AI-generated content and the need for careful evaluation. The company acknowledges that these guidelines have been a long time coming, as rushing into decisions with such complexity would not serve the interests of players or developers. By taking the time to establish comprehensive guidelines and evaluation processes, Valve aims to ensure that AI-generated content aligns with legal requirements and ethical standards.

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

The introduction of AI disclosures on Steam marks a significant milestone in the gaming industry. While it may initially pose challenges for developers, it also presents opportunities to explore the full potential of AI technology. Developers can leverage AI tools to create innovative and engaging experiences while adhering to legal and ethical boundaries. The guidelines encourage responsible AI usage and foster a culture of accountability within the gaming community.


Valve's decision to require AI disclosures on game submissions reflects the company's commitment to transparency, accountability, and the well-being of the gaming community. By addressing the legal and ethical implications of AI-generated content, Valve ensures that games on Steam comply with copyright laws and meet players' expectations. This initiative not only promotes transparency but also encourages responsible AI usage in game development. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, the integration of AI will play a pivotal role, and Valve's guidelines set the stage for a future where technology and creativity go hand in hand.

Additional Information

While the primary focus of this article is on Valve's initiative to require AI disclosures, it is important to note that this move is part of a broader industry trend towards increased transparency and accountability in AI usage. Other companies and organizations are also exploring ways to address the ethical and legal challenges posed by AI technology. By fostering collaboration and dialogue, the gaming industry can collectively shape a future where AI enhances the gaming experience while upholding the highest standards of integrity and responsibility.

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