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Get Your Filmmaking Game On: YouTube Native Vision Pro App Is Here

February 3, 2024
Credit: Christian Selig


When Apple launched the Vision Pro, many users were disappointed to find that it lacked native apps for popular streaming services like Netflix and YouTube. However, thanks to an app developer named Christian Selig, Vision Pro users can now enjoy an unofficial YouTube app called Juno.

Selig is known for creating the Apollo app for Reddit, which was highly praised for its visual design and added features. While working on the Apollo app, Selig became familiar with YouTube's embed APIs, which led him to develop Juno for Vision Pro.

For a one-time fee of $5, Juno offers most of the features you would expect from a native YouTube app. Users can watch videos, access their recommendations, subscriptions, and playlists, scrub through content, and more. The app also takes on Vision Pro's design aesthetics, including the translucent interface.

However, Juno does have some downsides. As it relies on YouTube's embed APIs, users won't be able to watch videos if a creator disables YouTube embeds. Additionally, the app lacks certain features, such as the ability to view comments. Selig plans to address these issues and add Vision Pro-specific capabilities, such as immersive environments.

One potential concern is that Juno still displays ads (unless the user is a YouTube Premium subscriber), which may not please Google. However, since the app relies on YouTube's embed API, it's unlikely that Google will shut it down.

Overall, Juno offers Vision Pro users a much-needed solution for accessing YouTube on their headset. Selig has no plans for subscriptions or in-app purchases, so users can enjoy the app's features without worrying about additional costs.

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