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The finest PC anime games

November 7, 2022
Credit: Bandai Namco


From great movie adaptations to the best games every anime fan must play, here are the elite.

To ease your decision making, we have combined a comprehensive list of top anime games for PC that you should not miss at all. Since there are plenty out there ranging from specific games based on anime series to more general ones.

There is no doubt one would expect many cross-overs between, say, anime and video games. Both sectors employ a lot of character designers, writers and voice performers. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that many of the designers have incorporated the ghost in the shell or pokemon movies into their gaming works after having grown up on them.

You can decide between monumental JRPGs, absurdly cartoonish superheroes, or detective manga. Looking for some interactive anime? Check out our favourites below!There's something here for everyone.

Dragon Ball FighterZ

Credit: Bandai Namco

There is no game that looks like an Arc System Works game. With colourful fighting games like Guilty Gear and Blazblue, the firm has perfected the blend of 3D and 2D animation, but Dragon Ball FighterZ is the greatest example. It elevates brawls to the level of true anime combat, ensuring that you always see the greatest viewpoint when you pull off a ludicrous technique. That is why it is the finest anime fighting game.

Not only is it beginner-friendly, but the anime component makes you feel as strong as no other fighting game—in Dragon Ball, hurling a rival into space or striking them hard enough to wipe away most of the surrounding environment is common. FighterZ looks just like the original, if not better, thanks to Arc's superb animation.

Release Date: 2018

Developer: Arc System Works


Tekken 7

Credit: Bandai Namco

Assists and autocombos are available in Tekken 7, however activating them removes the buttons required for other moves. It is not suitable for beginners. Tekken 7 anticipates you learning penalties and staple combinations, as well as paying attention to frame data. (Of course, the fact that it then offers frame data display as DLC is ludicrous.) However, it is honest about its complexity, treating story mode as a tutorial since it recognises that most players play narrative mode to learn how to play. That, and seeing over-the-top sequences in which Heihachi kicks missiles back at the people who fired them.

Tekken 7 is a fighting game worth devoting hours and hours of your life to. It was developed for PC and has a boisterously vibrant online community devoted to the platform. At least till Tekken 8 arrives.

Release Date: 2017

Developer: Bandai Namco Studios


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade

Credit: Square Enix

Sure, remakes have buried us in recent years. But don't let it put you off the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. It may appear to be a retelling of disc one's cyberpunk fantasy of a tiered city, but the way it plays with your expectations and bends the plot it knows you're anticipating is cleverer than you'd imagine. The fight isn't as straightforward as it appears. The combinations are merely something you perform to fill up the bars you need to cast spells and activate abilities, slowing down the environment as you search through menus for strikes that cause more than just chip damage.

Consider Remake to be a verb rather than a noun. The battle to recreate Midgar is shown in FF7R, with the slum-protecting ecoterrorists of Avalanche attempting to wean themselves from their dependency on the planet's lifestream for power and the Shinra Corporation attempting to push Midgar into a conflict from which they may benefit. Meanwhile, another power is attempting to recreate the classic scenario unfolding against this backdrop. It has layers, dude. Exactly like the city.

Release Date: 2021 PC

Developer: Square Enix

Nier: Automata

Credit: PlatinumGames

Nier Automata protagonists are only misleadingly similar to typical seductive body-pillow girls who are a great shame upon Japanese animation and, sometimes fairly, upon its fans. But what number of anime chicks are able to change in a jet plane? Can any of them easily slice their way through large masses of enemies like hot knives? Alright, plenty, but how many of them at the same time grapple with the truth about being conceived in perpetual confrontation?

Nier Automata is not just another “hack and slash" game. Moreover, it’s a plunge into the essence of freedom, the essence of strife, and whether we can remain rational by being ignorant. Expertly portraying the other side of the anime coin – a serious subject. The world is not only about fairy-tales, rainbows, and girls with pink lipsticks. Other times, it is dealing with war’s terrible things…and sexy women.

Release Date: 2017

Developer: PlatinumGames


Code Vein

Credit: Bandai Namco Studios

More is sometimes more, and Bandai Namco's soulslike Code Vein is a prime illustration of this. Its planet has fallen victim to vampire-like creatures capable of emitting a lethal miasma, and you're among a group of young, fashionable, superpowered humans attempting to control the monster population with immensely huge weapons. As is frequently the case with anime games, a basic description of what happens is insufficient. That's part of the appeal of Code Vein.

While it aspires to be likened to the Souls games, Code Vein is far more accessible and artistically distinct. Unlike Dark Souls, it has the vibe of a shonen anime, where protagonists solve a lot of difficulties through fast-paced, acrobatic fighting.

Release Date: 2019

Developer: Bandai Namco Studios


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