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Starlink Lowers Advertised Speeds, Sets High-Speed Data Cap at 1TB Per Month

November 6, 2022
Credit: John Kim/CNET


However, residential Starlink customers with the need for higher priority access will be charged an extra $0.25 for every gigabyte above their limit. SpaceX is also bringing down Starlink's promised speeds.

To reduce network congestion, SpaceX wants to cap home Starlink users at 1TB/month of high speed data.

On Friday, SpaceX posted a “Fair Use Policy," disclosing the hidden details of the proposition. As per the paper, American households with Starlink subscribers will have a total of 1 TB of Priority Access each month. The Canadian subscribers have also posted an identical fair use policy.

The speed limit is increased until it reaches a maximum. At that point, SpaceX can promote the user to “Supercharge" before going down to “Basic Access", and eventually slowing everything as necessary to clear up network congestion.

The document adds: “For Residential Service Plans, your data usage will be considered only against the corresponding priority access caps described in the table below during peak hours that is, between 7am to 11pm."


These adjustments will largely impact data hoggers who inhabit urban areas that are congested with numerous StarLink users. SpaceX did not give predicted Basic Access speeds but warned: In case of network issues, BAs (Basic Access) could slow speed or have low performance, thus rendering some third party services and applications useless or of poor quality. This is highly probable for bandwidth intensive applications like video streaming.

However, residential customers can pay and get additional priority access. For every additional GB at a higher speed, customers will incur a fee of $0.25. The customers will have access to the Sutarlink app and the company’s customer portal website, where they can see their monthly data usage and, if they wish, opt for the extra priority access.

SpaceX did take a long time responding to a query by comment. The company did notify its customers through an email communicating that they will roll out the high-speed data caps starting this December especially to their American and Canadian subscribers. As per the email, it states that about 9% of the Starlink users consume more than one terabyte of data each month.

The expected change is meant to bring back quality internet services to Starlink in the US where some clients have recently experienced drastically low speeds. In its policy paper, the company states, “We have a limited number of Starlinks and they will continue growing as satellites keep getting launched". “For this reason the company should manage its network so as to balance Starlink supply with users’ demand for the same and be able to

The same document states that home Starlink users will get the Priority Access tier, but not the Starlink RV or Starlink Best Effort plan’s subscribers. These will be users with compromised speeds.

Across the board, advertised speeds have been reduced.

Credit: Starlink.com

Nonetheless, the revised Spacex speeds for the Starlink are not desirable for many users. Residences can now only receive download speeds between 20 and 100Mbps compared to 50 and 200Mbps before. They come with lower latencies and upload speeds which are also said to have been cut down.

On the other hand, Starlink RV and Best Effect download speeds were decreased from 6 at 400 Kbps to 5 at 500Kbps and 4 at 600Kbps.

Credit: Starlink.com

Starlink is introducing Priority Access for its business and mobility users, Starlink Maritime as well as those who purchase the new Starlink dish for moving vehicles. These clients will be subjected to three levels of spaceX’s high-speed data limit and will also be charged to acquire more data.

The monthly thresholds for Star Link Business include 500 GB, 1 TB and 3 TB. The company can allow a speed of 1 Mbps per cell upon reaching critical threshold. If customers want higher priority, then it costs them $1 per additional GB used. However, customers on the Starlink mobility plan are required to pay an extra charge of $2 per extra gigabyte used.

Credit: Starlink.com

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